Steps to Run Your First React Native Project
First step is to install the latest version of Node.js. Since Expo-CLI makes it easy to implement a mobile application with react native many react native projects use Expo.
You can install expo with the following command line:
sudo npm install expo-cli — global
After installation completed, in terminal, you can go to the place where your project will be located in.
Following command can be used to create an initial project:
expo init project_name

You can choose blank template and press enter. This will take some minutes.
After the project is created you can change directory to the newly created project and start the local server of Expo cli by “expo start” command.
This will open the project on your default web browser.
If you will work on emulator and simulator you will need to install xcode and Android Studio for ios and android operating systems.
If you want to see the output directly on your phone, you should install expo and read the barcode from your camera.

Visual Studio Code is a great IDE for react native. From the VSCode terminal, expo start or npm start command will also do the same.
In order to run your first project on ios simulator you should type “i”, for android emulator your should type “a” after your project is loaded on your browser.